Why Partner With Us

Tooth and dental tools

The Connecticut Dental Health Partnership is committed to the overall oral health and well-being of HUSKY Health members. We work to ensure members are aware of and use the service benefits of the HUSKY Health Dental Plan while also assisting members to learn and incorporate habits that contribute to good oral health. Our philosophy to engage members is to “meet members where they are” and partner with organizations that members know, trust, and often go to for services and supports.

When you partner with us, you can leverage the assistance we provide to members, by connecting them to our Member Services team to help them find a dentist. Or, for those with more complex issues, you may connect them to a Dental Healthcare Specialist who can help them navigate the network and reduce barriers to care. By doing this, you can provide even more value for your clients.

Additional partnership opportunities:

Partner with the CT Dental Health Partnership – the dental plan for HUSKY Health.


Become a Partner

Become a Partner

Refer A Client for Assistance
with Complex Needs

Refer A Client for Assistance
with Complex Needs

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