Gainwell Technologies would like to invite all providers to participate in the Provider Satisfaction Survey. All feedback would be greatly appreciated, as your responses will help to enhance services and to better serve the provider community. To complete the survey, click here.
Providers News and Updates
Read about Children’s Dental Health Month, the Connecticut Medical Assistance Program Provider Satisfaction Survey, the new medical history look up tool that is now available to you, and more.
1099s are also being mailed the last week of January. Providers wishing to download their 2024 1099 from would do so by logging into their secure Web portal account, selecting Trade Files then download. Providers must then click on the 1099s selection located at the top of the drop-down menu. Click here for more information.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) is conducting a Provider Satisfaction Survey to obtain your feedback on the services provided by Gainwell Technologies.
Our goal is to consistently improve our service to you in all areas. Your comments on Gainwell Technologies’ performance as well as areas which still require attention are appreciated and will assist us in serving you better. Learn how to access the survey here.
A new workshop, presented by The Department of Social Services (DSS) and Gainwell Technologies, has been scheduled for dental providers. There will be four virtual classroom dates and times. Learn how to register and view the workshop invitation here.