Exciting News About Dr. Tooth Fairy
Dr. Tooth Fairy is Coming To Connecticut February 1st!
Actually – she is HERE!
Be on the lookout, because beginning on February 1st through February 28th you can call Dr. Tooth Fairy on her very own personal phone number! She is so looking forward to speaking with you and hopes you will call. It will be toll free (doesn’t cost anything) and you can hear from her in English and Spanish. Beginning February 1st, you will also be able to listen to Dr. Tooth Fairy’s messages on this website, in Polish, Portuguese and Arabic.
January Post – Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hello all of my buddies! I trust that you had a great holiday season with your family and friends and now are back in school. Here we are in January, a special month because we honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Who is Dr. King?
Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929, gave many famous speeches. He is most noted for his “I Have A Dream” speech. Dr. King was so influential in his support for civil rights that in 1983, President Ronald Reagan named a holiday after him in honor of his birthday and the holiday was first celebrated in 1986.
President Reagan said, this new holiday is meant to remember Dr. King and “the just cause that he stood for.” “America is a more democratic nation, a more just nation, a more peaceful nation because Martin Luther King Jr. became her pre-eminent non-violent commander.”
Although we are different kinds of doctors, I, as Dr. Tooth Fairy, was very proud of Dr. King. He was a very brave man standing up to many injustices even though he placed his own safety in jeopardy. He gave his life for a cause he knew was very important.
My cause is a little different than Dr. King’s cause. My cause is to champion the health of your beautiful little pearly whites – yes, your teeth! I keep talking about how important it is to brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, eat healthy snacks (no Bogarts or Demeantors), use fluoride and other little bits of knowledge about your teeth.
More About Dr. Tooth Fairy Coming to Town
In honor of Children’s Dental Health month, my friends from the Connecticut State Dental Association, your dentists, my friends from the Connecticut Dental Health Partnership and the Connecticut State Dental Foundation have all gotten together to bring me … to you! You will be able to call in and hear me on a on a special number! I have some great messages that I can’t wait to share with you! Call in to hear what I have to tell you!
Beginning on February 1st through February 28th you can call 1-833–88 FAIRY (1–833–883–2479)! Yes. This is my very own personal phone number! I am so looking forward to speaking with you! I hope you can make the phone call. It is toll free (doesn’t cost anything) and in English and Spanish. You can also learn more if you go on my website. There, you can also hear these messages in Polish, Portuguese and Arabic.
Don’t forget, my friends at the CT Dental Health Partnership Member Service Call Center are always waiting to hear from you if anyone in your family needs help finding a dentist, making an appointment or needs help with transportation or translation services. Just call 1–855 CT-DENTAL Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Ta ta my little buddies!