Dr. Tooth Fairy’s Halloween Treat Recommendations

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Halloween Treat Ideas

With Halloween coming up, so do ghosts, goblins and goodies – and the sugar in those treats can play some unwanted tricks on your teeth if you’re not careful.  Here is some recommended reading from Dr. Tooth Fairy:

Also, Dr. Tooth Fairy has been making the rounds at night and her friends, the dental hygienists, have been checking out your teeth and giving me reports. She is very happy to tell you that I am so proud that you have been doing a pretty good job with brushing and flossing over the summer!  Of course, her partner, Herbie is very happy too! That means you are doing a great job defending against the Bogarts and Demeantors!  Meet Samantha and learn more about what you can do for your oral health here:

Happy October! – HUSKY Dental (ctdhp.org)